Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chinese Mission.

In December to March, Mr Loie made the annual summer tour of the goldfields, and was away 81 days in all. He visited 56 places, with a population of 930 men, of whom he saw 813. He held 76 meetings, with 726 in attendance altogether two meetings were held ,in one place on several occasions. He walked 626 miles of the 1832 travel! led, and' distributed 1300 tracts. Thirteen pupils were enrolled at the Sunday school, with an average of 8.5 in attendance. The teachers are Mesdames (Lo Keong, Gordon Macdonald, Misses Lait)gand Watson, Messrs H. White, P. Dick. W. Dennison, G. Macneur, N. Black, and Weir, 1 ,yho deserve the committee's thanks for another year's assistance. The English class on Wednesday evenings, from 8 to 9, has been held as usual, and also on Tuesdays part of the "year. A service is held every fortnight fon the Climes& inmates of the Old Men's Home. On April 8, after eight months' probation, John Wykeen Chan, Mark Yowloi Chan, and Joseph Yowoa Kaan were baptised. Our membership is now 11. Mr Loie was ordained an elder of the church on July 1, after due election by the congregation. Dr Bannerman conducting the service after a sermon ia Chinese by. Mr Don. Two very successful social meetings of the Chinese and their friends were held durin" the year. Mr Don gave four lantern exhib? tions in the church to Chinese during the winter, each of which was closed with some New Testament scenes fully explained by Mr Loie, thus some who rarely attend the Lord's Day service had the Gospel preached to them. During the 12 months the church door collections amounted to £21 19s 9d, besides which special collections were made for South Afoican nurses' fund, £7 0s 6d; Indian famine relief, £3 12s sd; Wesleyan Mission Church, Victoria-,- Hongkong, £6 ss;— making in all £38 17s 8d for the year. Canton Village Mission.— Our student afc Canton, Mr William Chan, made good progress in his second year till the summer vacation in July, since which the college has been closed owing to the trouble in China. Mr George Macneur had three months' steady study of the Chinese language in the beginning of the year, and made good progress. During the hall and university session he has taken the classes in .apologetics, exegesis, and junior mental science with marked success. Mr Don has addressed many of the congregations for the purpose of the C. V. Mission, and reports almost unanimous approval of the ministers and peoplfe. The young peoples' Bi^e classes and societies of Christian .Endeavour are taking a very warnJ interest in the new mission, and have contributed during the year £95 18s lid to its funds. Mission Bursary. The mission bursary has been awarded this year to. Mr Mawson v M.A., student in divinity, who studies with a view to the mission field., 'Ecumenical Conference on Foreign Missions. The committee were invited to serid a delegate to the above conference, held in New York in April last, but was not in "a position to make such appointment. The convener, however, forwarded a detailed account of the missionary operations of this church; a like report was transmitted by him in connection with the proposed publication, of. a geography^ of the Protestant missions under the auspices of the students' volunteer movement for foreign misj sions. usual grants to the training seminary at Tangoa and the hospital at Ambrim, and to the Maori mission." The Rev. E. Miller seconded the adoption of the deliverance. Addresses on mission work were then given by the Rev. A. Don, the Rev. T. F. Loie, and Mr G. Macneur. The Rev. James Gibb desired to add tiie following to the deliverance: "That the synod expresses its warm, appreciation of the J services in the cause of missions by the Presbyterian Women's 'Missionary Union, and especially records its gratification at the interesting and enjoyable meeting in the Choral Hail last Wednesday evening." The suggest-ioa was agreed to. A further suggestion that the "committee be authorised to take into consideration the appointment of a medical missionary- to the Canton Mission was also agreed to," and the deliverance was adopted.PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Fifth Day Friday. Otago Witness , Issue 2436, 21 November 1900, Page 32

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