Thursday, October 01, 2009

Tue, 1 Sep 2009 100 Years Ago

Auckland: Speaking at the banquet given in his honour last night, the Chinese Consul (Mr Yung Liang Hwang) had some interesting remarks to make.

He did not know the meaning of the words "Yellow peril."

There would never be anything to fear from China.

All she wanted was fair play.

China had no aggressive ideas, and no desire to seize what was the bread and butter of other nations.

Did the cry of a yellow peril mean peril commercially? He did not think so.

As long as the Chinese merchants remained true to their traditions of honesty, impartiality, friendliness, and generousness she would never be a trouble to the world in this respect.

The term "Yellow peril" was one which he regarded as very unreasonable.

China was a moral country, and its motto was "A Country of Purity."

In regard to what had been said about the cost of living amongst the Chinese, he would remind them that as their civilisation advanced so the cost of living would advance.

China was making many mistakes, but she was gradually working her way through.

The people of China were at all times loyal and honest.

The Chinese in New Zealand were obedient to what the Mother Country had taught them - to be peaceful, honest, industrious, humble and kind.

That was what they were taught to do.

They did not contribute to the Mother Country as far as money was concerned, but they had that good sense of loyalty, and so it was through all parts of the world.

The Chinese had proved that there was nothing to fear in this cry of a yellow peril. . .

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