Monday, June 05, 2006

Mai Wah Organisation USA

For more information about the history of Asian immigrants in America, here are a few links that we have discovered that lead to valuable sources of information.

The Society is raising funds and encouraging volunteers in the local community and in the larger global community who can contribute money or time to help accomplish our goals to preserve and interpret the history and culture of Asians in Butte and throughout the Rocky Mountain West.We have been able to secure funding support from the ARCO Foundation, A Territory Resource, the Johanna Favrot Foundation, the Butte Urban Revitalization Agency and the Montana Committee for the Humanities. A special thank you goes to the ARCO Foundation for a grant that made this web page possible.We are now raising funds to maintain and expand our permanent exhibit "The Butte Chinese Experience." Artifacts from the Mai Wah Noodle Parlor and the Wah Chong Tai Mercantile serve as the core of the exhibit.Every donation that we receive, small and large, is critical to ensure success

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