Saturday, March 05, 2011

bro'Town to aid Christchurch

What do Shaolin monks, the Christchurch earthquake and characters from bro'Town have in common? Graphic novelist Ant Sang.

In a bid to raise money for the earthquake, Sang has donated an artwork featuring a character from his new graphic novel Shaolin Burning.

Called the 'Monk Who Doubts', the 42cm by 48cm piece is on TradeMe and so far bidding is around the $70 mark.

The piece was drawn while Sang was being filmed for a television segment due to air later this month.

He said the character "is like his name suggests, struggling with being a monk and when the temple burns down and he looses someone important to him, he goes on a 15-year rampage."

"It's about his search to get back on the path of a monk."

Sang was also the designer for the animated television show bro'Town so he's offered to put pen to paper and draw a one-off drawing of the auction winner amongst the characters.

The character's real life voices - Oscar Kightley, David Fane, Mario Gaoa and Shimpal Lelisi - will also sign the finished work.

Sang isn't from Christchurch but said he "just wanted to do something to help out down there seeing as I'm all the way up in Auckland and quite removed from it".

It's been a while since he has drawn the characters but, "I spent six years drawing bro'Town so I don't think I could forget".

All proceeds from both TradeMe auctions will go to the Red Cross 2011 Christchurch Art Appeal.

- Stuff Last updated 16:13 05/03/2011

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